I've taken a long rest from blogging, but now feel motivated enough to "get back into the game." My initial thoughts this morning are about how messed up our North American society has become. I saw a clip on the news regarding the recent American Music Awards which had to do with some very controversial on-stage behaviours. I'm not going to mention the specific "acts" or the performers who did them, as I don't want to give them credit for annoying and offending me.
I just wonder why our society feels it is necessary to continue with such vulgar displays of lewdness. How much shock value do we need exposure to(especially our kids)? When a performer feels a need to use shocking behaviours to enhance their on-stage performances, perhaps they are not as talented as they believe. Here's an old-fashioned concept and suggestion to today's actors, singers and performers: try using real talent in lieu of pervasive vulgarity. You might actually find that people will like your "talents" and not just watch you because you made the latest headlines due to controversial actions.