Thursday, June 7, 2007

School Fair Update

I'm so glad yesterday is over. I really went to a lot of time and trouble to prepare display trays for my jewelry and they turned out pretty well. I had a fairly decent turnout at the school fair, but I've got to tell you...there must be a better way to earn money than that. Four hours of sitting at a table trying to pedal my wears was tedious to say the least. At least my son found his neighborhood friends and had kids to play with. In the meanwhile I was being deafened from an overly loud speaker system on one side, and a police patrol car on display which allowed children to flip on the sirens, chant over the microphone and generally make lots of loud noise. I had a flash thought of, "man, I've really aged!" It's a sure sign of aging when music that I once couldn't get enough of was actually annoying me and giving me a headache.

On another interesting note, this morning as I was driving through my neighborhood, I noticed one of the side streets blocked off by 4 police cars and a whole lot of yellow tape cordoning off the area. Since I live in a mostly Sicilian area where there are constantly bizarre things happening (i.e. 3 houses burning to the ground within the past 4 years) it made me speculate on perhaps yet another Soprano's moment. I can't wait to hear what the local scuttlebut is on that situation.

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