Sunday, September 16, 2007

Brescia, Italy

We've just returned from almost a week in northern Italy. To say we had a great time just doesn't describe the feeling. After all, visiting one of the oldest civilizations in the world is fascinating enough. Our main center of business was in Brescia - a small city situated between Milan and Venice. My husband had business there and while he was working, I toured around. Even though I don't speak Italian, it was interesting to see what words and phrases I could drag out of my subconscious mind (after hearing my native Italian-speaking husband converse for years). I found most people in Brescia did not speak any English. But with a few gestures and simple words, they were happy to try and help.

In fact, when we went out with a business colleague one night, we saw an older man who had somehow gotten his little car completely on top of the sidewalk while going around a corner. I have no idea how a person could have even done that (but apparently he had alcohol on his breath, so that may explain the lack of reaction while taking the turn). My husband's colleague immediately stopped and asked if this man needed a hand. Sure enough within minutes, there was this businessman, my husband and 2 other men from separate cars all bouncing and lifting this Fiat off the curb. This gesture of kindness was something I didn't expect to see because it wouldn't in our culture. And if someone did stop, you'd be afraid they were going to either rob or kill you. Refreshing to still see altruism in this world.

During this short visit, I saw once again what a natural zest for life the Italians hold. How such simple things in life take precedence over the frenetic scurrying that grabs our culture by the throat. And after watching countless hours of any Italian cooking show on FoodTV, I can assure you that yes, the Italians do take their food seriously. And it is almost impossible to get a bad meal in that country. But that topic shall wait for another post.

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