Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Burning Van

Christmas is now past, the heavy duty cooking and baking behind me, the gift wrapping nothing but a memory. Yahoo! If I eat any more I think I'm going to have to wear expandable pants. So today is just a quiet day. Yesterday we started out driving down our driveway hill to see a blazing inferno across the road. Well, maybe an inferno is an exaggeration. But it was a van on total fire with a huge billowing cloud of black smoke pouring into the sky. Upon further notice, I saw where it was a Bell telephone van halfway up the neighbor's drive. Maybe they're having as much trouble getting a phone as we had and decided to take some action. Anyway, as we headed out of our area, a fast-moving fire truck passed us (luckily) and we knew exactly where that was heading! There is never a dull moment in my life.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Holiday Times

Well the holidays are almost here, and if you're not prepared by now, it's pretty much assumed you won't be!! I have stopped the shopping and am actually starting to get excited. I guess it's due to the fact that I see how happy and excited my son is. Children really bring Christmas to life. If I didn't have Alessandro in my life, I would definitely be basking on some tropical beach somewhere by now. I may even do that some time in the future anyway after the dreary weather we've been having.

I still have to wrap quite a few presents. But it's difficult to get that done in private. Especially when my attention is constantly needed. By the time I sit down on the couch in the evening I'm half asleep. Last night I fell asleep while putting my son to bed, woke around 10:30, plunked myself in front of the tube and fell asleep again. Anyway, I have got to go finish cleaning up the kitchen and do the bedtime ritual. Then I'll see if I can muster up the energy to do some wrapping.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Just Another Saturday

Instead of the most wonderful time of year it should be called the most stressful time of year. I think my husband is in uber-stress mode being that I haven't supplied him with any present ideas and have basically told him I don't want him buying me anything. Period. My focus is on watching my son enjoy his Christmas. I don't particularly need anything at the moment so it's not a priority. Sure, I'd love to lose some weight or take a trip somewhere exotic or have another baby. But at this point it looks like those are not viable options. So instead, I shall stick to my holiday baking, start the tedium of wrapping what I've bought for others and collapse by the end of the evening into an exhausted heap of dishevelment.

Today was a day of running errands - groceries, Canadian Tire and the local feed mill (as I love to say, "to stock up on supplies"). We feed the birds around here and they go through the seed pretty quickly now that the ground has not shown any hints of green in over a month. Could that be contributing to my cynical synopsis of life? Hmmm...I spent the bulk of the afternoon cleaning my home - with my son's help of course. What 7 year old boy likes to tout rubber gloves and a toilet scrubber? Well, mine does.

So as we all hunker down and prepare for the winter storm that's heading our way, I shall go put my son to bed and maybe catch an hour to veg in front of 48 Hours Mysteries. Goodnight.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Preparing for Christmas

I have been remiss at writing. But hey, it's a busy time of year. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it. I have been busy holding down the fort at my job. I was told things would be cooling down in December, but there's been no sign of that. Or maybe it's because anyone who had my position previously just didn't put the effort into it. This past week has brought a lot of snow and frankly, I'm sick of it. Winter is not even officially here and I'm ready for spring. I think the Woolly Bear caterpillars knew something with their thick stripe.

Today my son had his annual Christmas concert/play. He was the papa in The Night Before Christmas. He did a good job even though he's got some kind of stomach bug that seems to be going around. Aside from being sick to his stomach and resting the past 12 hrs, he was a little trooper. This past week we managed to go out and chop down our own Christmas Fir tree, decorated it, baked shortbreads and other yummy treats. Now my husband is making homemade pasta for company that's coming over shortly.