Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Well I'm just plain tired tonight. After working, pickup up my son, a drop in to the grocery store and a drive home I decided I was going to make manicotti tonight. Being that I've never made it before I got a recipe off the internet. It took quite a while to prepare. I was expecting something more exciting than how it came out. I think it would have been better had I done the spinach/ricotta type instead of a beef and cheese one. I'd made chili last night which was great. My son, for the first time in ages actually gobbled up his dinner (sans complaints) and complimented me on how good it was. That was a unique thrill. After school he wanted some more chili (which he had) to tie him over. By the time the manicotti was ready, his stomach was not. Oh well, he didn't miss too much. I'm looking forward to a good sleep tonight. Hopefully Caesar won't cry downstairs and my son won't holler for me (as he usually does) sometime around 4am. We'll see.

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