Monday, February 19, 2007

Cabin Fever

There's a term in Canada we use to describe a feeling of being stuck inside too long in too much cold...Cabin Fever. And I am suffering from it big time these days. The past week has been challenging as my household is dealing with some kind of horrible sickness that seems to travel at warp speed amongst new victims. After picking him up on Friday morning from school, I was told of a stomach virus thing going around and my son just happened to be exhibiting all the classic signs. He's had the high fever, head cold and cough early last week which kept him home. But just as I thought he was recovering, the stomach part of the ail hit to which I will not discuss! And now my husband has it. He's still in the head cold part with the fever and chills so it really won't be a nice sight in about 2 more days. It seems everyone I talk to is suffering from this or has someone in their family dealing with it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will evade it (just this once please)...

So, I spend most of my days now "trapped" inside as I can't stand being outdoors in -14C (not factoring in the windchill). Somehow, spending 10 minutes to bundle up in a down parka, heavy boots, mitts, hat and scarf just doesn't leave me happily inspired to go out and enjoy nature. Although I do manage to get out and walk my poochies each day or they'd go completely bonkers by nightfall. With the exception of the odd trip to the grocery store or my son's school, I stay inside, where it's warm and I can drink all the tea I like. I am really looking forward to an early spring - but at this time it seems doubtful. I can't wait to shed the heavy outer clothing and stop wanting to eat my weight in carbs each day. It is definitely time to shake out the cabin fever and move into spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.