Friday, February 23, 2007


Words are much more than just nouns, verbs and adjectives thrown together on a page. Their significance is much more. Words are powerful. They can suggest something beautiful or create something horrible. I try to teach my son that words have deep meanings and powerful consequences. When speaking, realize the significance of what you are about to throw into the universe. Those short little projectiles can cut a person to the core or anger them into a frenzy. On the other hand, they can at times melt your heart and erase all the question marks from your mind. I have found a really good technique for getting my son's attention when he utters something hurtful at me...I softly remind him of the power of words and if he truly and empathetically understands what he has just said. Almost all the time, there is a quiet reaction of shock and finally an acknowledgment that it was not really what he wished to convey.
I heard some very powerful words from Montel Williams last week. He said something to the effect that, "you are the only person who will ever truly own the definition of you." How profound and very true. It is within us all to claim ourselves, live up to our responsibilities and cherish the gifts we have been given. Parenthood is in my opinion, the greatest gift anyone can ever be granted. It is a learning experience every single day.

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