Wednesday, February 28, 2007

How Clean Is Your House?

One of my favorite TV shows is a British show entitled, "How Clean Is Your House?" It features two extremely witty, clever women who visit unbelievably dirty and cluttered homes. After the shock and horrors of what they find, they and the family (along with a cleaning crew) begin the clean up process. Some of these houses haven't been cleaned at all in literally years! My husband finds it strange that I find humor in this show, but to me it's really fascinating to see how other people live. The ladies are hilarious with their witty comments. Plus I have learned many interesting cleaning tips from Kim and Aggie along the way!

For example, salt is a wonderful abrasive that you can use to scour off dirt - and it won't scratch. It's clean, cheap and environmentally friendly. Baking soda and hot water will lift off burnt on cooking grime. Plain vinegar and water is great to use to clean windows. Wipe it dry with old newspapers for a clean that sparkles! And one great thing that I discovered is that Mr. Clean Magic Erasers remove the ugly brown stain inside of teacups and mugs.

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