Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bow Ties

Yesterday was another rushed day. I spent most of the morning looking for a bow tie. My son is in a grandparent's concert today and it is reminiscent of the 40's and 50's era. So all the boys have to wear bow ties. You'd think that after searching around 2 party stores I could find one. But I was told the only chance there'd be one was if it was in the St. Patrick's Day boxes stashed up on top of the shelves. Anyway, the store helped me out and it turns out that after all that rooting around, there were no more green bow ties left. I didn't really care what color it was as long as it had color. C'est la vie! I decided to then trek over to a men's formal wear shop (which was where I had thought of going first but didn't) and finally bought one. It was a lot more than I'd hoped, as I'm sure it's not going to get much wear. Oh, well...the things we do for our kids.

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