Monday, April 2, 2007

Media Today

I don't know if anybody else feels the same way as I do, but I'm very disappointed in today's media. I think the more I see of the news and the trailers for movies and new shows, the more I realize that I should have been born about 70 years ago. The world we live in today is so full of angst juxtaposed against this self-centered live in the moment attitude. It really bothers me to see the lack of responsibility and accountability in young people today.

From my perspective, our society is fed a steady diet of in-your-face graphic violence and negativity which is only doing so much damage to the young minds of our children. I'm at a point where I would like to get rid of my television. The stupidity level of the new sit-coms and bizarre, dark movies that are advertised make me shake my head and wonder, "who the hell watches this stuff?" I don't think Hollywood has a clue as to how to make a good movie with an actual story-line anymore. I haven't been to a movie in 11 years now. And I don't miss them at all. What galls me the most, is when these celebrity figures have the audacity to preach about world issues when they live in the most sheltered bubbles of excess. If we gave attention to our own country as we do to the third world, we would have an amazing place to live. So many people in America and Canada have destitute lives that need attention. But because it's not PC, it doesn't make the news.

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