Thursday, April 19, 2007

Work Work Work

Last time I checked, grade one wasn't supposed to be so difficult. My son has had an what I consider to be an enormous amount of homework lately. This is partly due to his inefficient handwriting which has yet to come up to speed. Granted he is in private school with an accelerated program, but last night it took him (with me at his side) an hour and a half to finish his work. And we still didn't get everything done! I will soon pick him up and although I know he's going to want to go straight outside and play, I have got to coerce him into writing a poem for tomorrow's music class. That ought to be fun. I can remember being in 5th grade struggling to write a remembrance day poem. Eventually my mom came to the rescue with a real beauty.
Today I finished zooming around with errands - making sure I picked up some bristol board, glitter glue and a new white shirt...all of which must be used in next week's school concert (sunshine prop & grandpa costume). Even though I was warned of all the "extra" work these little ones are expected to do, I really didn't think it would be so much so fast. My philosophy is that we have a whole lifetime of hard work facing us, so why not enjoy childhood for what it is supposed to be...learning, playing and most importantly, being a kid.

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