Tuesday, May 22, 2007

We're Moving

So some big news in my world...we bought a new house this past weekend and I have 90 days now to sell my current home and get packed! My stomach has just been in knots. Talk about a great way to lose a quick 3 lbs. Not! As usual, we do everything fast and furiously. I'm still in relative shock about the whole thing, being that I agreed to talk it over (the idea of moving) and wasn't completely sold on buying another place. It had only been a week that I agreed with my husband on the notion of moving. And within 5 days, we'd bought a new home. When my hubby gets something in his mind, he does it right away. So a new chapter in my life is about to unfold. Should be an interesting one too. We are moving from suburbia to country life. I'm sure I'll have lots to write about in the coming days!

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