Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Nice Long Hike

Today after running errands in the morning, I took my son to Bindertwine Park - a beautiful conservation area on the Humber River in nearby Kleinburg. There is a great path for biking or walking, so we packed his bicycle in the car and took the dogs for a workout. It's so nice and peaceful listening to the sounds of the birds chirping. You can actually hear the wind rushing through the leaves in the trees. We took along some fish pellets and fed the local fish in the river (whatever kind they were). My son really enjoyed watching that. The dogs were exhausted and thirsty after a nice long hike in the woods so much so that Caesar (my little Westie) dribbled all over my arms while driving home. Ah, the joys of dogs. Upon coming home, my offspring still had the desire to play although he was ready to fall asleep on the couch. Lately the kids in the neighborhood have been hiding or away so he's constantly looking for play companionship. But I think all the late hours from our trip are catching up with him. In a few minutes it'll be time to rake him in and get him to bed. Tomorrow I will start packing some light items and arrange for a junk pick up from my cavernous 'dark hole' of a basement.

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