Saturday, August 4, 2007


It never ceases to amaze me just how apathetic customer service can be. Today for example, my husband went to the grocery store to buy some lunch foods. While at the deli counter, he asked for some imported Parma proscuitto (Italian ham). The girl behind the counter said she'd have to open a new one. My husband responded with, "that's fine." She just looked at him and suggested he should take the domestic San Daniele (which is like eating salted shoe leather). This would mean she could just grab some from behind the counter and not be bothered with the arduous task of opening a new ham, cutting off a bit of fat and slicing it up. My husband looked at her with stunned amazement at her attitude and then insisted she give him the product he had asked for. So she then begrudgingly opened the wrapping on the Fini proscuitto and proceeded to slice up our luncheon meat. I can't understand how some people in service can be so lazy and apathetic. Absolutely amazing.

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