Saturday, August 18, 2007

Complications in Communicating

I never realized how rough to the body moving can be. At least I don't remember the same things from our last move 6 years ago. I have so many bruises all over my arms and legs from lifting and carrying heavy boxes, that I could literally start playing connect the dots. And just when I think there's hope of them fading, I bump myself again and yell, "there's another one to connect!" I'm a tad embarrassed to wear shorts or short sleeves at this point. But at least around the house it doesn't really matter.

We're still without telephone and that's really bugging me. I have to use a cell phone - which is fine in a pinch, but definitely not my preferred method of communication. According to Bell Canada, there is no main phone line linked to our lot and because that would require a crew to start digging and try to find it, they tell us it's our expense and they're not responsible for it. That is complete hogwash. However, knowing how quickly frustrated my husband gets with service people I think I will have to call them and start the ball rolling. In the meanwhile, we have ordered Vonage but I am now finding out that it is really not compatible with satellite internet (according to the satellite guy). So once we received it, I guess we'll send it back and start all over again. I just want a regular telephone. Why does it always have to be so complicated? I guess that's old Murphy working his magic again. I mean, if everything came simply there would be no exciting challenges to write about in the blog.

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