Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Black Cloud Week

So I haven't been writing for a while. Well, I've been in a bit of a hibernation mode. It's been a black-cloud mode for me the past little while. Last week was just one that couldn't end too quickly. It started out with a fight to release an item out of customs' hold in Mississauga, which only delayed the process further because of the need for them to examine my item. I've concluded it would be easier clearing a new Mercedes from the Middle East than it is to release a piece of used furniture from the States. A multitude of problems at my disorganized place of employment, a flat tire in rush hour Mississauga, needing yet another tow out of country snow, my dog running away after a fleeing deer and a weekend of stomach flu all topped out the week. And yes, let me point out that this virulent bug has taken my household by storm - now holding my husband in it's clutches. I'm simply left with a nagging dry cough, so we'll see where that ends up. On a good note, our dog did come back shortly after the panic. Now, I welcome the sunshine and end of this storm.


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Susan said...

Thank you for your compliments! I like your blog too...